Symbiosis Screening

Symbiosis Screening: Explore the Environment with Artists and Scientists. Come along for a programme of short films exploring the environment and documenting collaboration between artists and scientists. Many of the works were made through a process or residency and in collaboration with scientists and with a strong emphasis in reflecting on our relationship with our rivers and waterways in South Yorkshire and as further afield as Africa and South America. The screening will be followed by a short discussion on what it meant to make these films and how things have changed.

Venue: ROAR Artspace
Date: 27th Feb at 7 pm
Free Event, No RSVP just show up

Re-wilding the System
by Angela Robson and Brigitte Perenyi

Rewilding the System, showcasing extraordinary stories of environmental activism and regeneration in Doncaster, UK and Awassa, Ethiopia. The film came out of an arts and ecology residency awarded to five artists, who were given the opportunity to develop their skills and practice in Doncaster, along with experts in science, data, waterways and local culture. Rewilding the System was filmed on iphones, directed by Angela Robson and Brigitte Perenyi and edited by Simon Ruben

With thanks Artbomb, the Don Catchment Rivers Trust and Partners for Change Ethiopia for their support in the making of this film.

Water Mirrors
By Daniel Escobar and Mike Stubbs

The a collaboration by Daniel Escobar Calí, Colombia) and Mike Stubbs (Doncaster/York UK) commissioned as part of UNESCO City to City, takes water as a started point to indicate an exchange process. Water is that first natural element that has the possibility of reflecting our cities and their inhabitants, and our shared responsibility to take care of it. The two artists begin with a process of collecting materials: water and sediments from the rivers that cross and reflect their cities, to reach an exchange of images, sounds, and then a dialogue with the techniques of digital art creation and the creation of an interactive installation.

Verginal Rambling Around
By Sarah Pennington
10 “

A visual essay with poetic narrative to celebrate the variety of urban green spaces, and their value and uses to us as individuals and community.

Exploring how we move in them, and how they move us, the film employs handheld footage shot on walks around the different green sites in a particular Ward in Hull, East Yorkshire. It was developed out of an Ideas Fund commission – WhoseSpace? Derringham – by artist Sarah Pennington.

ArtBomb - The Movie
By Ted Webley


A poetic documentary covering last summer's ArtBomb Festival in Doncaster, which asked some urgent questions to challenge complacency and ensure that Doncaster and its communities can explore and debate the climate emergency, this formed a central premise for Symbiosis and other artists residencies. Taking place over a weekend in August, including one of the hottest days on record, artists came from around the globe to provoke thought on the Climate Crisis.

Mayor of Doncaster, Ros Jones commented: “ArtBomb’s innovative and creative focus on what can be done to help us all be more proactive in developing Doncaster’s ecological agenda was an eye opener. We know we are in a race against time and the more we can do to drive debate and share best practice the stronger and more resilient our communities can be in the future.”

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Featured artist Chris Bilton