
Big Bike Revival
Can't cycle but would like to learn? Have you not been on a bike in years but would like to get back in the saddle and build your confidence? We're thrilled to be taking part in the Big Bike Revival! We'll be encouraging people to cycle more by fixing bikes, teaching skills and leading bike rides.

Company Dance
Company is a weekly movement session for over 50’s with a focus on creating performance and having this focus gives a real sense of purpose to the group. Digital dance shorts will be produced during every session and shared as an ongoing performance that grows over time as well as live performances every few months.

Troll Festival, Thurcroft
As part of Rotherham becoming the world's first Children’s Capital of Culture in 2025, Rotherham ROAR, in partnership with Thurcroft Creatives, hosted the first ever Troll Fest.

Life Act - Making theatre out of our lives
Life Act is a performing company, part of Rotherham Open Arts Renaissance (ROAR), which creates performances for schools and community groups exploring aspects of disability. Making theatre out of our lives.

BAMER Creative Network (BCN)
Open to any creative individual from a BAMER community living or working in the Borough of Rotherham who wants to connect with other creatives for support, encouragement, opportunities, collaborations, learning ,advocacy and representation in the sector.

Diversity Festival
For the last 7 years ROAR have supported the delivery of the Diversity Festival at the Rotherham Show, which has been running for over 20 years, working closely with REMA (Rotherham Ethnic Minority Alliance), aiding and enabling local resident communities representing protected characteristics have a presence and a voice, and to celebrate their creativity through stage performances and workshop activity.

We Great Place
Between 2018 and 2020 WE Great Place brought Wentworth Woodhouse and Elsecar to life through a number of beautiful curated, heritage focused, culturally lead large scale events, workshops and project collaborations.

The idea behind the Gatherings is to offer artists the opportunity to experience a new place, be with other artists and respond artistically. A residency is usually a longer period of time but ROAR have found that these short bursts of activity can really focus the artists thinking and provoke or push the artists out of their usual routines.

Thor of Thurcroft
Thor the Guardian Troll of Thurcroft, has heeded the call from the young people of the village.

Work Experience
ROAR are committed to providing authentic and meaningful work experience to students from across the education system from the age of 16 years and upwards.

As a freelance community theatre practitioner, I work with a wide-range of skills; embodied storytelling, poetry and creative writing, movement/physical theatres and play in the delivery of creative projects.

Virtual Exhibition
What does it mean to create art and exhibit it during a pandemic?

Flux Capacitor, Creative People and Places
In 2019 a consortia bid from Rotherham was successful in securing £2 million funding over four years from the Arts Council towards a £4 million project that will empower Rotherham communities to commission and curate their own cultural offer while delivering systems change within the existing sector to enable greater sustainability to meet the growing expectations from the communities.

The Factory
The factory was a great strategy for revitalising empty spaces and town centers as well as saving the property owner money and providing much needed facilities for the artistic community.

This is a new ROAR project for you all to get your teeth into whilst we are mostly lockdown and distancing.

Over the last eight years, every month, artists from Rotherham and beyond have arrived at ROAR Artspace and given talks about their work, the work of others and generally inspired the artistic community with their words, images and sounds.

Louder Together and Reclaim The Night
Through a local group set up by the local authority to strengthen and empower the voice of women in Rotherham, in 2018 ROAR were commissioned to make three marching banners with community groups to be taken on the Reclaim the Night walk through the town centre in November, celebrating women’s rights.

Across the Pond and Lincoln Letters
ROAR members love to get involved in collaborative projects with other arts organisations. Two such projects are Across the Pond, a collaboration with CON Arts Collective in New York, and Lincoln Letters, a collaborative project with General Practice Artists Collective in Lincoln.

River Banksy, Public Art
Working in partnership with Rotherham Libraries, we designed a project that would challenge the way the public perceive the purpose of a library space, and expand its definition as a cultural asset while bringing more older youths through the doors to become active members of the lending library service.

ROAR designed and delivered a series of creative meals for artists on behalf of Wentworth and Elsecar GreatPlace project at Elsecar, Old Market Gallery and The Trades.