Creative Resolutions For Your Best Year Yet!
Let’s make 2024 amazing!
As we step into a new year, it's the perfect time to set intentions that will fuel our creativity and make this year truly remarkable. Embrace the spirit of artistic adventure with these creative resolutions designed to inspire your best year yet:
Daily Doodles
If you make daily doodling a habit you’ll really see the benefits in your other creative outputs. A simple sketch or doodle can be a powerful outlet for expressing your thoughts and ideas in a low pressure, experimental way. A great way to start is by joining in on the #100dayproject, the idea is simple: choose a creative project, do it every single day for 100 days, and share your process on your social accounts using the hashtag #The100DayProject. You can find out more and sign up to their Newsletter here.
Explore a New Art Form
Challenge yourself to step outside your creative comfort zone. Whether it's experimenting with a new painting technique, delving into sculpture, or trying your hand at photography, exploring unfamiliar artistic mediums can ignite fresh inspiration. As a beginner it can be great to try and find free teaching resources online through YouTube or social media, there are also lots of online creative workshops which are more affordable too. Try sites like Domestika and Create Academy to see what’s on offer.
Creative Journaling
Create a dedicated space for your creative thoughts, ideas, and experiments. This creative journal is not just a record; it's a playground where you can brainstorm, reflect, and let your imagination run wild. You might want to write, draw, attach cuttings, it can be in sketchbook form, in a notebook or even online in a blog - the important thing is that you get your ideas out of your brain and down in some format so you can see patterns, themes and bring all your creative ideas out. If you’ve never read The Artist’s Way, this could be a great place to start leaning into journaling, or what the book calls the ‘daily pages’. This is one of the proven ways to build a practice!
Create a DIY Project
Finding inspiration and creativity in places you might not usually look is a great way to turn off that pressure to create and to just do. When you channel your artistic energy into hands-on creations, whether it's crafting, home decor, or even making personalised DIY gifts, engaging in a project that allows you to express your creativity in tangible ways can let the creative side of your brain run wild without too much expectation - the perfect environment for creativity to flourish.
Read Books to Fuel Your Imagination
Expand your creative horizons by exploring literature from various genres and cultures. Diverse books provide a wealth of perspectives and ideas, acting as a catalyst for your imagination. Fiction and nonfiction, image reference books and auto-biographical work can all spark new and interesting connections.
Cultivate a Creative Space
Designate a specific area in your home as a dedicated space for creativity. Whether it's a corner with art supplies, a cosy reading nook, or if you’re lucky, a specific studio space, having a designated area will encourage your creative mindset and spur you on to keep making. It’s also so important to make time in your life for all this creativity to happen. Make it a non-negotiable, set it in your calendar and stick to it! Our Thursday evening free drop in sessions are perfect for this - weekly time to just create with other like minded people in an inviting and encouraging space. We start back on Thursday 4th January from 6pm - all are welcome!
Collaborate with Others
Connecting with fellow creatives and embarking on collaborative projects is the perfect way to bring new dimensions to your creative process, fostering growth and innovation. We’ve got the best community of artists and makers here at ROAR and they thrive off being in the membership together. It’s not just our studio holders who benefit, we’ve got collectives and collaborations happening all the time both in and out the ROAR building and we can’t wait to grow on this even more this year. It’s an amazing way to become part of a community of like minded people, so if you’re not already a member then what are you waiting for! Sign up here.
This year, let your creativity soar, and may 2024 be your most fulfilling and imaginative year yet!