

This is a new ROAR project for you all to get your teeth into whilst we are mostly lockdown and distancing.

This is the simple outline:

  • Anyone can submit content for Morttal

  • Content can be anything for example: Songs, choreography, TikTok, poems, character biographies, sketches (drawn and written), musical compositions (for any number and type of instrument), video, backdrops, props, costume designs, lighting design, location suggestions, sound effects, dreams, puppets, sculptures, books, tattoos, stickers, the list goes on and on….

Once something is included in the Book it can be used by others for example: someone creates a character bio, someone else creates their costume for a particular sketch which is written by someone else and located in front of someone else’s backdrop.

This project is about taking advantage of our curious times to create an art work of this time, in whatever form it takes, with nowhere to see it.


The Factory

